KML Tools: DXF to KML Convertor

Convert a DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) file to a KML file or SVG image, optionally applying coordinate transformations. Unless your DXF drawing uses UTM coordinates, it is necessary to project DXF coordinates onto location (geospatial) coordinates. Snap coordinates to quadrant 2 ("y" axis down) to view your drawing right side up when displaying as HTML. More help can be found here or watch this video tutorial.

DXF file:
Document name (optional):
  Snap1 Quadrant 4   1
3   2
  Shift2 Offset
  Crop Polygonal crop area (n points)3
  Project Original (2 points)4
→ Projected (corresponding 2 points)5
Projection coordinates Latitude,longitude UTM  
  Convert6 UTM grid zone:
Output: HTML (screen)
SVG image (screen)
 Stroke:  Line:  Fill:  Scale:
KML (download)


1: Shift drawing so that it "snaps" to the origin and is wholly within a quadrant.
2: Shift drawing by x,y offset.
3: The area to crop is an arbitrary polygon, e.g., a 1000x500 rectangle would be 0,0 1000,0 1000,500 0,500 0,0. You can specify any shape, not just a rectangle.
4: Any 2 points with different x,y values, e.g., the bottom-left (SW) and top-right(NE) points.
5: The corresponding 2 points as latitude,longitude or UTM coordinates.
6: Convert UTM coordinates to latitude,longitude coordinates. Required for KML unless you already projected to latitude,longitude coordinates.


Letter M
Adelaide terraces
(for projection 136,0 2143,1752 → -34.936275,138.588364 -34.920925,138.610779)
Pelican Lagoon
(for projection 2649,6394 6252,2443 → -35.7860170,137.7729749 -35.8206699,137.8140500)